Chen Hui Art Studio _You-no30.jpg
你的肖像30 自画像 A Portrait You #30 Self-portrait

80x100cm 2016.6
布面油画oil on canvas _You-no26.jpg
你的肖像之二十六 A Portrait of You No.26

112x120cm 2016.3
布面油画oil on canvas你的肖像之十九   A Portrait of You No_19   100x80cm 2015_6 布面油画 oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十九 A Portrait of You No.19

100x80cm 2015.6
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之二十  A Portrait of You No_20   100x120cm 2015_7 布面油画oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之二十 A Portrait of You No.20

100x120cm 2015.7
布面油画oil on canvas你的肖像之二十八  A Portrait of You No_28   50x40cm 2016_5 布面油画oil on canvas110x171cm.jpg
你的肖像之二十八 A Portrait of You No.28

50x40cm 2016.5
布面油画oil on canvas你的肖像之二  A Portrait of You No_2  50x50cm 板上丙烯 2014_3.jpg
你的肖像之二 A Portrait of You No.2

50x50cm 2014.3
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之一 A Portrait of You No_1 50x50cm 板上丙烯 2014_2.jpg
你的肖像之一 A Portrait of You No.1

50x50cm 2014.2
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之四 A Portrait of You No_4 50x50cm 板上丙烯 2014_3  acrylic on canvas_.jpg
你的肖像之四 A Portrait of You No.4

50x50cm 2014.3
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之六  A Portrait of You No_6  40x50cm 板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas  2014_3.jpg
你的肖像之六 A Portrait of You No.6

40x50cm 2014.3
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十三   A Portrait of You No_13  40x40cm 板上丙烯 2014_8_  acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十三 A Portrait of You No.13

40x40cm 2014.8
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十  A Portrait of You No_10  25x35cm 板上丙烯 2014_8  acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十 A Portrait of You No.10

25x35cm 2014.8
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之三  A Portrait of You No_3  40x50cm 板上丙烯 2014_3_ acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之三 A Portrait of You No.3

40x50cm 2014.3
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之九  A Portrait of You No_9  50x60cm 板上丙烯 2014_7_ acrylic on canvasjpg.jpg
你的肖像之九 A Portrait of You No.9

50x60cm 2014.7
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之七  A Portrait of You No_7  50x60cm  板上丙烯 2014_6  acrylic on canvas_.jpg
你的肖像之七 A Portrait of You No.7

50x60cm 2014.6
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之二十三  A Portrait of You No_23  30x40cm 2015_12 布面油画oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之二十三 A Portrait of You No.23

30x40cm 2015.12
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之八 A Portrait of You No_8  50x50cm   板上丙烯2014_4_  acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之八 A Portrait of You No.8

50x50cm 2014.4.
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十七   A Portrait of You No_17   70x80cm 2015_1_30 布面油画 oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十七 A Portrait of You No.17

70x80cm 2015.1.30
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之十六   A Portrait of You No_16 30x40cm 2015_1 布面丙烯acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十六 A Portrait of You No.16

30x40cm 2015.1
布面丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十一  A Portrait of You No_11  25x35cm 板上丙烯 2014_8_ acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十一 A Portrait of You No.11

25x35cm 2014.8.
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十二   A Portrait of You No_12  30x30cm 板上丙烯 2014_8_ acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十二 A Portrait of You No.12

30x30cm 2014.8.
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十五 A Portrait of You No_15  50x60cm 2014_11 布面丙烯acrylic on canvas .jpg
你的肖像之十五 A Portrait of You No.15

50x60cm 2014.11
布面丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之五 A Portrait of You No_5  40x50cm 板上丙烯 2014_3 acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之五 A Portrait of You No.5

40x50cm 2014.3
板上丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十四   A Portrait of You No_14  50x50cm 2014_10 布面丙烯_  acrylic on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十四 A Portrait of You No.14

50x50cm 2014.10
布面丙烯 acrylic on canvas你的肖像之十八   A Portrait of You No_18 130x97cm 2015_2_20 布面油画 oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之十八 A Portrait of You No.18

130x97cm 2015.2.20
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之二十二  A Portrait of You No_22 100x80cm 2015_11 布面油画oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之二十二 A Portrait of You No.22

100x80cm 2015.11
布面油画 oil on canvas外婆 Grandmother 110x120cm 2018_6.jpg
外婆 Grandmother

110x120cm 2018.6
布面油画 oil on canvas老栗Mr_LEE 100x80cm 2018_7.jpg
老栗 Mr.LEE

100x80cm 2018.7
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之二十一  A Portrait of You No_21 90x70cm 2015_9 布面油画oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之二十一 A Portrait of You No.21

90x70cm 2015.9
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之二十四  A Portrait of You No_24  170x110cm 2016_1 布面油画oil on canvas.jpg
你的肖像之二十四 A Portrait of You No.24

170x110cm 2016.1
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之二十七  A Portrait of You No_27  110x171cm 2016_4 布面油画oil on canvas .jpg
你的肖像之二十七 A Portrait of You No.27

110x171cm 2016.4
布面油画 oil on canvas你的肖像之二十九  A Portrait of You No_29   129x200cm 2016_6 布面油画oil on canvas .jpg
你的肖像之二十九 A Portrait of You No.29

129x200cm 2016.6
布面油画 oil on canvas



但更多的时候,脸呈现为容貌,或表情。它们是及物的,它们有种种所要诉说的事情或态度,或忧伤,或反叛,或正义,所诉说的都寄放在一种各种权力争夺的秩序中,被公开或秘密地损害着。在容貌、表情与观看者之间的关系是主客分离的, 中间相隔的是共识、共鸣,或异议、或欣赏、或争议。在此相遇的,是是非,是事情,还不是人的相遇。







2016 年9月9日

Face is unspeakable, but only viewable;
Face is not to be described, but only sensed;
Face is neither appearance nor expression; it reports nothing but meeting.
Face is an intransitive verb.

According to Levinas, face is the epiphany of humanity. Thus the visual presentation of face is different from all others. A face resists to be submitted to the perception of the viewer. If our understanding fails to seize the meaning of a face, then a face is not graspable. Thus, when one gaze at another, one sees but the face, which is transparent and lead to infinity. A face is to be looked at in the same way as sky, behind which is the Over Soul. Any other way of gazing is violence to the body. Levinas' remark is based on a prerequisite, that is, the gazer perceive him/herself as a creature or a result of the Over Soul - the gazer is brought to this position by his/her gazing.

But more often, faces take form in appearance or expression. They are transitive, with stories and attitudes to tell. Melancholy, betrayal, and justice - everything to be told is left to an order amid the battle of powers - injured openly or in secret. Appearance, expression and the viewer are separate. They are separated by consensus, resonance, objection, appreciation, or dispute. Here the encounter involves judgment, things, but not people.

When people haven't encounter each other, whatever mindsets or methodologies they are holding to, according to scholars like Qian Mu, are within the domain of rules. They are restrictive and are always subject to a central power. Both appearance and expression are a modified face. And of course to be modified is the social responsibility appearance and expression. But when confined to the modifier, what we see is fragmented and separated, without the etiquette of 'benevolence'. They are separated into some news reports, theoretical knowledge, and ideological rules.

According to Martin Buber, we live in two worlds - the world of I and It, and the world of I and you. We are constantly back and forth between the two worlds. As experience, the world belongs to the primary world I-It. The primary word I-Thou establishes the world of relation. Only when "Thou" is uttered, one is independent of other things and can see people. Due to external need, people always exist in the world of It. Maybe this is the real world.

But fine art should not just subject to sociology, if we do not agree that art creation should be subject to art consumption. Even though the art world is congested with terminology, there is always a potential universal request: is art able to initiate a One world?

In this One world, face is not replaced by appearance. Face is an intact entirety, with internal infinity indicating the being of transcendence. Face is the epiphany of the transcendence. Epistemology will lose all its ground in front of a transcendent being, and cannot but approach it with ethics.

The figure paintings of Chen Hui illustrate this point, and are more of a reminder for herself. Her figure paintings revolve around face, and leave an elusive impression. Sometimes she paints the emotions, sometimes expressions, and other times she gives up the clear and articulate strokes, but directly confronts the face. At these moments, the face takes the form of a hologram hard to spot a focus.

This may originate from her professional knowledge in makeup. Within this domain, the face is an object about which she must be familiar with the details, and understand how a face is objectified. Thus in her paintings, she keeps shifting standpoints, and by testing a methodology, presents face in the form of "I and Thou" in multiple layers, deep, shallow, far, and near. She peels off the layers of imposed speeches from watching, gradually revealing the light of infinity.

By SHU KE WEN 2016