Chen Hui Art Studio他者的肖像 18 脸书的脸 Portraits of Otherness 18  The Face of Facebook 51x40_5cm 2020_6 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
脸书的脸 The Face of Facebook

51x40.5cm 2020.6
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 24 发言人 Portraits of Otherness 24 White House  Press Secretary 61x45_8cm 2020_8 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
白宫发言人 White House Press Secretary

61x45.8cm 2020.8
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 25 口红一哥 Portraits of Otherness 25 China s Lipstick King 61x45_8cm 2020_8 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
口红一哥 Lipstick King

61x45.8cm 2020.8
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 21 非典型后浪任海龙Portraits of Otherness 21  Atypical Young Striver 50_8x40_5cm 2020_6 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
非典型后浪任海龙 Atypical Young Striver

50.8x40.5cm 2020.6
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 26 哭泣的偶像 Portraits of Otherness 26 Crying Idol  76_3x56_5cm 2020_9 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
哭泣的偶 Crying Idol

76.3x56.5cm 2020.9
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 29 等待领养的狗 Portraits of Otherness 29 Dog for Donation  61x45_8cm 2020_10 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
等待领养的狗 Dog for Donation

61x45.8cm 2020.10
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 27 失去左眼的抗议者 Portraits of Otherness 27 Man who lost eye during protests 61x45_8cm 2020_9 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
失去左眼的抗议者 A man who lost eye during protests

61x45.8cm 2020.9
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 28 马尔科姆X Malcolm X Portraits of Otherness 26  76_3x56_5cm 2020_9 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
马尔科姆 X Malcolm X

76.3x56.5cm 2020.9
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像33  劣迹企业家  Portraits of Otherness 33 A Notorious Entrepreneur纸本油画 oil on paper56_2x76,5cm 2021 4.jpg
劣迹企业家 A Notorious Entrepreneur

56.2x76.5cm 2021.4
纸本油画 oil on paper 他者的肖像32 Portraits of Otherness 32 Nomadland 纸本油画 oil on paper 56_2x76,5cm 2021 .jpg
无依之地 Nomadland

56.x76.5cm 2021
纸本油画 oil on paper _他者的肖像31 川普支持者 Portraits of Otherness 31 Trump s Supporters  68x200cm 纸本油画 oil on paper 2021_2.jpg
川普支持者 Trump's Supporters

68x200cm 2021.2
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 30哭泣的朝鲜人民 Portraits of Otherness 30 Crying Korean People 60x178cm  纸本油画 oil on paper 2021_1 的副本.jpg
哭泣的朝鲜人民 Crying Korean People

60x178cm 2021.1
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 23 哭泣的婴儿 Portraits of Otherness 23 Crying Baby 76_3x56_5cm 2020_7 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
重生的婴儿 Reborn Baby

76.3x56.5cm 2020.7
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 20 O_J_辛普森 Portraits of Otherness 20 O_J_Simpson  41x30cm 2020_6 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
O.J.辛普森 O.J.Simpson

41x30cm 2020.6
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 10 狱卒 Portraits of Otherness 10 Prison Guard 53x32cm 2002_3纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
狱卒 Prison Guard

53x32cm 2002.3
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 11 囚徒 Portraits of Otherness 11  Prisoner 43x37_7cm 2020_4 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
囚徒 Prisoner

43x37.7cm 2020.4
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 19 谋杀者 Portraits of Otherness 19  The Murder 51x40_5cm 2020_6 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
谋杀者 The Murder

51x40.5cm 2020.6
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 14 新冠逝者  Portraits of Otherness 14 A Coronavirus Victim 45x38cm 2020_3 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
新冠逝者 A Coronavirus Victim

45x38cm 2020.3
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 13 散播病毒者 Portraits of Otherness 13 A Texas woman was arrested for threatening to spread coronavirus 40x37_7cm 2020_4 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
散播病毒者 A Texas woman was arrested for threatening to spread coronavirus

40x37.7cm 2020.4
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 15 护士  Portraits of Otherness 15   A Nurse 45x38cm 2020_4 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
护士 A Nurse

45x38cm 2020.4
纸本油画 oil on paper -他者的肖像 12 勒痕  Portraits of Otherness 12  Marks 37_6x26cm 2020_4.jpg
勒痕 Marks

37.6x26cm 2020.4
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 16 李文亮医生 Portraits of Otherness 16 Dr_ LI WenLiang 53_5x46cm 2020_5 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
李文亮医生 Dr. LI WenLiang

53.5x46cm 2020.5
布面油画 oil on canvas他者的肖像 17 生气的婴儿 Portraits of Otherness 17  Angry Baby 40x50cm 2020_5 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
生气的婴儿 Angry Baby

40x50cm 2020.5
布面油画 oil on canvas他者的肖像 22 穿普拉达的女魔头Portraits of Otherness 22 The Devil Wears Prada 76_3x56_5cm 2020_7 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
穿普拉达的女魔头 The Devil Wears Prada

76.3x56.5cm 2020.7
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 09 脚踝 Portraits of Otherness 09  Ankle 37_7x53cm 2020_3 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
脚踝 Ankle

37.7x53cm 2020.3
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 06 怀旧刘海 Portraits of Otherness 06 Old Fashion Fringe   27_7x33cm 2020_3 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
怀旧刘海 Old Fashion Fringe

27.7x33cm 2020.3
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 08 裸胸男孩  Portraits of Otherness 08  A Naked boy 30x50cm 2020_3 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
裸胸男孩 A Naked boy

30x50cm 2020.3
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 07 派对女皇  Portraits of Them 07  Party Queen 30x38cm 2020_3 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
派对女皇 Party Queen

30x38cm 2020.3
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 04 辫子  Portraits of Otherness 04  Braid 37_7x40cm 2020_2 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
辫子 Braid

37.7x40cm 2020.2
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 03 鼻环  Portraits of Otherness 03  Nose Ring 25x29cm 2020_2 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
鼻环 Nose Ring

25x29cm 2020.2
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 05 美甲 Portraits of Otherness 05   Nails 21x25cm 2020_2 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
美甲 Nails

21x25cm 2020.2
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 02 Portraits of Otherness 02  53x37_6cm 2020_211纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
紫长发 Purple Long Hire

53x37.6cm 2020.2
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 02 束身胸衣 Portraits of Otherness  02  Corselette 43x34_5cm 2020_2纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
束身胸衣 Corselette

43x34.5cm 2020.2
纸本油画 oil on paper他者的肖像 01 烟熏妆 Portraits of Otherness 01 Smoky Eyes 53x38cm 2020_2 纸本油画 oil on paper.jpg
烟熏妆 Smoky Eyes

53x38cm 2020_2 纸本油画 oil on paper

Politicians and capitalists, stars and Internet celebrities, trust-fund kids and small figures, murderers and victims, desperate doctors and ignorant infected patients, newly-born in the Syrian civil war and jailers who kill each other in the movie The Platform, as well as dying stray dogs in online ads for animal shelters... A spectre, a spectre of image is haunting the Internet... The people behind these screens is from a virtual world, a spectre of image who takes the form of humankind. They are everywhere, and this is the social and humanistic situation of our times. The spectre of image that is abstracted by digital forms has become the gravedigger of the reality. Chen Hui aims to depict these spirits in a realistic touch. She overlays different souls on one flesh, creating an image of decay and splendour. These used-to-be-real, but now untouchable faces, turned into visual image composed of LCD screens, backlights and apps, are overlapped, interweaved and exaggerated, flooded with colors and textures on paper. It exhibits how the artist attempts to recreate a vivid and touching alternative reality like a Creator.
By Zeng Han