Chen Hui Art Studio小Q Xiao Q  40_3X50cm 2005_v2.jpg
小Q Xiao Q

40.3X50cm 2005
布面油画 oil on canvas唇边的咖啡 Coffee by the Lips   100x80cm 2005_v2.jpg
唇边的咖啡 Coffee by the Lips

100x80cm 2005
布面油画 oil on canvas尼也和茶  Ni Ye and Cha  120x90cm 2006 布面油画 oil on canvas_v2.jpg
尼也和茶 Ni Ye and Cha

120x90cm 2006
布面油画 oil on canvas恩戴米恩  En Dai Mi En  120x75cm 2006.jpg
恩戴米恩 En Dai Mi En

120x75cm 2006
布面油画 oil on canvas小X Xiao X   75_3x150_2cm 2006.jpg
小X Xiao X

75.3x150.2cm 2006
布面油画 oil on canvas和Z A and Z   130_2X180CM 2006.jpg
A和Z A and Z

130_2X180CM 2006
布面油画 oil on canvas 180x230cm 2006_8.jpg

180x230cm 2006
布面油画 oil on canvas X 104x180cm 2006_11.jpg
Vitamin X

104x180cm 2006
布面油画 oil on canvas 145_5x97cm 2006_12.jpg

145.5x97cm 2006
布面油画 oil on canvas聚会 Congregation Oil on Canvas  145x97cm 2007.jpg
聚会 Congregation

145x97cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas我们俩 You and me   120x80cm 2007.jpg
我们俩 You and me

120x80cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas非  50x60cm  2007_4 布面油画oil on canvas.jpg
非 Fei

50x60cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas  30x40cm  2007_5.jpg

30x40cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas璐璐先生 Mr_LULU 50x60cm  2007_5_tif.jpg
璐璐先生 Mr. LULU

50x60cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas春 146x97cm  2007_6.jpg
春 Spring

146x97cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas会飞的鱼 120x63cm  2007_7.jpg
会飞的鱼 Flying Fish

120x63cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas  145x97cm  2007_7 布面油画 oil on canvas .jpg

145x97cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas  130x97cm  2007_8 布面油画 oil on canvas.jpg

130x97cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas 170x110cm 2007_12.jpg

170x110cm 2007
布面油画 oil on canvas奶油草莓 Cream Strawberry 130x93cm 2008.jpg
奶油草莓 Cream Strawberry

130x93cm 2008
布面油画 oil on canvas拾穗者162_5x130cm 2008 2.jpg
拾穗者 Gleaner

162.5x130cm 2008
布面油画 oil on canvas开心 145x97cm 2008 2.jpg
开心 happy

145x97cm 2008
布面油画 oil on canvas 60x80cm 2008.jpg

60x80cm 2008
布面油画 oil on canvas火了 100x80cm  2009.jpg
火了 Fire

100x80cm 2009
布面油画 oil on canvas 130x93cm 2010_.jpg
开心 kaixin

130x93cm 2010
布面油画 oil on canvas请叫我小萝莉130x97cm 2010_8.jpg
请叫我小萝莉 Call Me little Loli

130x97cm 2010
布面油画 oil on canvas游园惊梦 Rousing Tour In The Park 130x180cm 2010_9.jpg
游园惊梦 Rousing Tour In The Park

130x180cm 2010
布面油画 oil on canvas戏水Playing Water 97x130cm 2010.jpg
戏水Playing Water

97x130cm 2010
布面油画 oil on canvas萌萌 MengMeng 100x80cm 2011 布面油画 oil on canvas.jpg
萌萌 MengMeng

100x80cm 2011
布面油画 oil on canvas微博时刻 TwitterTime 100x80cm 2011 布面油画 oil on canvas.jpg
微博时刻 TwitterTime

100x80cm 2011
布面油画 oil on canvas肖像之一PortraitNo_1 60x50cm 2011 布面油画 oil on canvas.jpg
肖像之一 PortraitNo.1

60x50cm 2011
布面油画 oil on canvas珍珠ThePearl 75x57cm 2011.jpg

75x57cm 2011
布面油画 oil on canvas猜猜我是谁  Guess who I am 50x60cm  2011_.jpg
猜猜我是谁 Guess who I am

50x60cm 2011
布面油画 oil on canvas 75x56_5cm 2012.jpg

75x56.5cm 2012
布面油画 oil on canvas游园惊梦之2 Rousing Tour In The Park No_2 180x114cm_2012.jpg
游园惊梦之2 Rousing Tour In The Park No.2

180x114cm 2012
布面油画 oil on canvas在希望的田野上 Field of Hope 130x97cm 2012.jpg
在希望的田野上 Field of Hope

130x97cm 2012
布面油画 oil on canvas红烧猪蹄  布面油画   60x50cm  2013_8.jpg
红烧猪蹄 Pig Foot

60x50cm 2013
布面油画 oil on canvas游园惊梦之3 Rousing Tour In The Park No_3 97x130cm 2013.jpg
游园惊梦之3 Rousing Tour In The Park No.3

97x130cm 2013
布面油画 oil on canvas


服装——在这里应该说是装束,也是陈卉这些作品的重头戏。发型——不管是“爆炸式”、 “乱草式”,还是“狮子头”和“烟花烫”;不管是染成黄色、紫色,还是红色和桔黄色;唯怪异和不同寻常才尽显“异尚”的取向。服装虽挪用时尚的一些因素,但显得廉价和怪异,色彩艳俗且花里胡哨。尤其服装的特别之处,是对日常服装和演出服装的混淆和似是而非的处理,或者说,这种装束本身就是“异尚”的重点——自己哄着自己玩,既消费时尚又消费自己,表现出网络时代青年人的那种游移于现实和虚拟之间,游移于人生的戏剧化和日常生活之间的感觉,这是一种新的现实感——对现代社会的既游戏其中又无可奈何的生存感觉。


(文:栗宪庭 2008年)

In Chen Hui’s paintings I find, she uses her own eyes to view and express her own take on “strange fashion.” These paintings transcend such mundane levels as human images, figures, hairstyles and attire to express and craft her ‘strange fashion.’ Among these images, one of surpassing excellence is an anti-fashion image. In media swamped with pictures of breathtaking beauties, her form is a tad eccentric: the image of a rebel, eyes with single eyelids [most Chinese lack a lower eyelid and thus, in obedience to the dictates of logic, lower- eyelid insertion is one of the most popular forms of aesthetic enhancement surgery in China], small eyes set far apart – an indicator of low IQ, they say. However, these small eyes Chen Hui draws are very determined little orbs: bounding with confidence, yet brimming with suspicion, even fraught with fear.While a number of years ago the international fashion catwalk began to flounce some alternative ‘ugly models,’ that flaunting of elegance on the catwalk is, after all, still all about ‘apparel’ not ‘people.’ Therefore, Chen Hui’s works with respect to their human expressions depict by contrast the ‘strange fashion’ of a unique and irreplaceable ‘person.’ Now, aside from those models plying the catwalk who are the incarnation of some alternative brand of weirdness, models are models after all, and in choosing their figures; there are clearly-demarcated bounds beyond which one dares not stray. By comparison, in this series of works by Chen Hui, with respect to the human figures she moulds, and in contrast to the figures of models, the women have no complementary convex/concave curves and her men also lack the sought-after inverted v-shape - all have small breasts, large bellies and bloated forms, or otherwise unsightly persons of a cast not calculated to elicit the plaudits of fashion. Moreover, their movements are exaggerated, and thus project a comic and jocular air about them.

Clothing – here we must say apparel - is also one of Chen Hui’s signature features. Hairstyles – whether these are ‘blown up,’ ‘rat’s nest,’ ‘lion’s mane’ or ‘firework perm’ or whether these come dyed yellow, purple or red and orange, the only truly weird and unusual show is "strange fashion." Although misappropriation of fashion clothing is a bit of a factor, this seems cheap and weird, colored and garish. What is particularly special about apparel is the confusion between everyday wear and performance attire and this seems to be because there is no distinction drawn between them, or one might rather say that here this sort of garb is in itself “strange fashion” and that its focus is self-enticing, self-amusing and both stylish and consumptive of its own consumption and that it incorporates the Internet modern youth fashion attitude and the fiction between human comedy and everyday life. This is a new sense of realism – a nagging feeling of helplessness amid contemporary society’s games.

Realistically-depicted art is a hallmark of Chen Hui’s works; her brush-strokes are both exquisite and serene in form, particularly with regard to facial parts and bare torsos, which however incline towards an exacting technique. But this is not realism in the classical sense: Chen Hui intentionally recoils from a technique of creating human figures in a classical ambience and often paints people into the backgrounds in graduated shades, or these people are set into the background as part of a scene similar to those in famous paintings, or simply wedged into a cubicle. All human figures she models she deliberately extracts from their true habitats and then inserts them into a fictional, dramatized space, with the aim of providing a foil to the ideal human figure wrought in the image of the youth of today. We intuit from Chen Hui’s works that the human figures in her works are bursting with sincere, wistful love, because she is herself youthful or perhaps styling herself that way in her imagination, and we also have a hunch the people inhabiting her works are frisking and frolicking together with her in this latter age.

By Li Xianting